Dominican Funding
Funding available to students and faculty of Dominican University
This scholarship is offered to Dominican students. It offers many different funding grant opportunities for innovation research and business technology.
Up to $2000 awarded. Deadline ongoing. Tenured and tenure-track faculty and lecturers. Include: Application form, publication criteria evidence, publisher letter of acceptance with fees, evidence that alternative sources of funding sought out, Dean/Dept Chair Letter.
Up to $3000. Deadlines March 31, November 15, January 31. Tenured and tenure track faculty and lecturers. Include: Application form, CV, decription, goals, methodology, value, final product, timeline. Budget required. IRB Approval.
Up to $2000 awarded. Deadline ongoing. Tenured and tenure track faculty, and lecturers. Include: Application form, description of benefit to pedaagogy/research, evidence that alternative sources of funding sought, disclose all other funding sources, dean/dept chair letter. Budget documented with the costs required. IRB approval.
Up to $3000 awarded. Deadline January 31. Tenured and tenure track faculty, and lecturers. Include: Application form, CV, description, goals, methodology, value, final product, timeline/work plan, supporting materials. IRB Approval
Entrepreneurs Launchpad Fund (ELF)
ELF aims to help underserved student entrepreneurs launch new businesses by assisting in funding startup costs. Applications open every January. The competition takes place on the month of April.
Other Private Funding
Explore funding options from private organizations looking to help grow your business
10 winners receive up to $50K, print credit at FedEx, access to sustainable packaging consultation, digital sales consultation, mentor matching, and access to FedEx premier Customer Service. Conditions: US based for profit businesses. Been operating at least 6 months. No more than 99 employees.
10 winners receive up to $50K, print credit at FedEx, access to sustainable packaging consultation, digital sales consultation, mentor matching, and access to FedEx premier Customer Service. Conditions: US based for profit businesses. Been operating at least 6 months. No more than 99 employees.
10 winners receive up to $50K, print credit at FedEx, access to sustainable packaging consultation, digital sales consultation, mentor matching, and access to FedEx premier Customer Service. Conditions: US based for profit businesses. Been operating at least 6 months. No more than 99 employees.
Fresh Start Business Grant. Awards incfile gold plan for free ($385 value), free registered agent services for a year, free tax consultation. $2500 to put towards business startup costs. Conditions: 21 years od age US resident Must be planning to start a new business or grow an existing business in a significant way Process: Application 2 min video Sample business plan
10 winners receive up to $50K, print credit at FedEx, access to sustainable packaging consultation, digital sales consultation, mentor matching, and access to FedEx premier Customer Service. Conditions: US based for profit businesses. Been operating at least 6 months. No more than 99 employees.
10 winners receive up to $50K, print credit at FedEx, access to sustainable packaging consultation, digital sales consultation, mentor matching, and access to FedEx premier Customer Service. Conditions: US based for profit businesses. Been operating at least 6 months. No more than 99 employees.